
Monday, January 9, 2012

Being Vegan at the Melting Pot Restaurant (Fondue Me!)

It really takes my mother thinking I was dead because I wasn't blogging regularly, to be the push I needed to get back in the game. I thought, gees if this is what my mother thinks, imagine my poor readers! Ha!

Without further adieu, Happy New Year! This is what my New Year's Eve partying consisted of...

So, based on the title of this post, you are probably thinking, "Dirty Vegan, why must you tease us about vegans being able to tango at the fondue restaurant?"...well tease I don't. When the Dirty Vegan dines, she receives plentiful amounts of delicious vegan eatables, and the Melting Pot in Providence, RI was just the place to wine and dine this Naughty lady! Check out the multi-course vegan meal I was accommodated with!

To start, sesame crusted tofu, mandarin, and teriyaki sauce!

Some of the fine foods that I got to cook in a scrumptious vegan broth then dip in an assortment of sauces. Prior to this, I had yummy fruits and veggies to dip in a generous pot of vegan spinach and artichoke cheese fondue! Yes, the motherload!

Vegan Chocolate Fondue!!! To dip...

Fruits, cookies, cake, and my personal favorite...pieces of Go Max Go candy bars in each assortment!!!

While I cannot promise the red carpet treatment that I received dining as the Dirty Vegan (i.e. my favorite food group, Go Max Go), I can say that yes this restaurant offers vegan options, and they are amazing. I always recommend calling ahead and letting them know you are vegan when making your reservations. The Melting Pot is definitely versed on the vegan lifestyle, as their manager Tyler has experience with vegan diet, cooking and lifestyle (and is such an awesome person! Love him!). This definitely should change the minds of your friends and families who think that us vegans cannot possibly dine with the rest of society (which statistics are beginning to prove that very soon vegetarians will no longer be the minority, we'll be the majority!). The Melting Pot did such an awesome job and I left the restaurant fat and happy!

Hope you have a vegan fat kid kind of day. Oh, and stop drooling at your computer! For now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off.


  1. This makes me smile! My partner has been dying to try this restaurant, but we always thought there would be nothing for me to eat there. I might give it a try now!

  2. I'm afraid this doesn't qualify as "Vegan". Your spinach and artichoke "cheese" fondue most certainly was not vegan, and there is a good chance that the chocolate was not vegan either. Lacto-Vegetarian maybe, but vegan this is not!

  3. They made this special with Daiya cheese and other vegan products from Whole Foods, so it most certainly WAS vegan. If you recall me saying in my post, The Melting Pot accommodates vegans and other alternative diets if you call ahead...or maybe you didn't read the post thoroughly.

  4. Furthermore, I actually worked with the chef at the establishment who has had years of experience in vegan cuisine. He used tofu, soy milk, and Daiya in the artichoke fondue. Everything was confirmed 100% vegan, not only personally from the chef and servers themselves, but also from management in advance e-mails prior to my visit. I don't know if every single one of the locations is willing to do this or has access to vegan products like this one did, but I do know if you ask them in advance they are willing to work with you. If not this, they do a broth to cook your veggies in.

  5. I am lacto-ovo but hope you can help me. I recently ate for first at Melting Pot.

    We were served "vegetarian" meatballs that were the best I ever ate in 65 years of being veggie. Would your contacts be able to get name of the manufacture. They were so good, I felt positive they were a meat product.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.
