
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Down Home Tofu Stir Fry? What!?

I love to veganize Southern cooking, and vegetables such as okra or bell peppers are just plain comforting. I also like Asian, Indian, and Thai cuisine. Well, put some of these elements all together and you get yourself one really crazy meal that is totally deeelish!

Get Your Vegan Boots on, We're About to Make This Here 'Southern Tofu Stir Fry with Peanut Curry Sauce'

1/4 cup coconut oil
2 cups okra, sliced
2 cups bell peppers, any color or combination
1 block tofu, drained and cut into chunks
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 tbsp soy sauce (or Aminos, or Tamari, or Shoyu)
1 tsp curry powder
sprinkle garlic powder
black pepper to taste

Heat coconut oil on medium heat in wok. Add vegetables and coat them with oil. Stir fry on high for a few moments, add tofu, then let simmer on low heat while you prepare sauce. In a bowl combine peanut butter, soy sauce, curry powder, garlic powder, and black pepper and add this sauce into your wok. Coat stir fry with sauce and stiry fry for about 3- 5 minutes on medium/ high heat. Serve over rice, over noodles, or with a piece on naan or corn bread on the side. Enjoy!

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