
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get Fit for the New Year

This is the time of year that everyone is thinking about getting healthy. The holidays are over (for the most part - hello, yummy vegan Valentine Chocolates!), and people are back at the gym in full force and wanting to eat a little healthier.

Pure Fit Nutrition Bars was kind enough to send me some of their yummy fitness bars to try and here is what I think.

I received Pure Fit Bars in the following flavors: Granola Crunch, Peanut Butter Crunch, Berry Almond Crunch, Chocolate Brownie, and Almond Crunch. The bars are vegan, gluten-free, and contain a ton of nutrition, including 20% iron and a whopping 18g of protein!

When I was in high school, I was very athletic, active, and health conscious. At that time, I was not full vegetarian yet, I ate protein bars, ran track, and went to the gym. My fitness level and figure was not near as amazing as it is today, as a Dirty Vegan. I eat pretty Naughty now, but am in the best shape of my life. Back then I was all into health and fitness, but could not attain the levels of fitness and make my body look the way it looks right now, as I live a completely Dirty Vegan lifestyle. I think that is quite funny for all those naysayers who have negative things to say about veganism.

Now, as a Dirty Vegan, I want to be back in the health freak club sometimes. I sometimes miss that whole gym-going lifestyle of grabbing a protein bar that had that specific taste, and going to the gym. Just the act of it, for me is nostalgic to my teenage years. Even though I wasn't at peek fitness level (or what I would even consider acceptable by my current standards) back then, it was the motivation that I held and having these supplements and products behind me was important.

So when I took one bite of the Pure Fit Berry Almond Crunch bar, I felt like I just took a bite of my adolescence. I felt the sudden urge to hit the gym (which you all know is very unusual for me). To have a vegan bar like Pure Fit that contains a great amount of protein and nutrients, be gluten-free, and be extremely competitive to the non-vegan bars out there, is really cool to me. Most of the competition is junk - Pure Fit is like winning the vegan health lottery.

So if you are looking for a product to help you reach your 2012 fitness and health goals, I would definitely recomend these bars.

Peanut Butter Crunch are my favorite flavor from the line! Yum!

So what are your New Year's fitness plans? What is your resolution this year? Are you sticking to it so far?

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