
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Caffeine-free Icy Coffeeccino Recipe

Summer is just around the corner! Here in New England, we have already had days this month where it has been 90 degrees or hotter, can you even believe it? I don't know about you, but I love a refreshing and cold summery beverage this time of year. Many coffee or donut shops serve icy coffee drinks that become really popular now through the fall. There's one shop that makes a good one that I remember before going vegan, but it cannot be made dairy-free, plus it is full of way too much sugar. Another option is a popular coffee chain that can offer these chill drinks vegan-friendly, but they are super expensive and also full of a ton of sugar. I wanted to work on a recipe that will save you money and be healthier for you; I also chose to make it caffeine-free so that anyone can enjoy it! It is also such an easy recipe to make right at home that it isn't such a big deal that you aren't getting it from the drive-thru. Plus, no matter the method, who doesn't love a frozen iced coffee drink?

Like I've said before, Postum, the product I'm using in this recipe to give this caffeine-free beverage the coffee flavor, is a generous 75 servings per container! A much better value since you can make MANY chilled out summer "coffee" drinks with what you would pay for just one at a cafe. Plus you can take it along with you in an insulated cup that is designed for iced coffees or other cold beverages - this really is the perfect drink to bring along to the beach, to take to work or anywhere else you are headed to this summer! Let's dive right into this easy breezy recipe!

Caffeine-free Icy Coffeeccino Recipe featuring Postum

  • 2 teaspoons Postum in Natural Coffee Flavor
  • 6 oz. boiling water
  • Coffee creamer, to taste (I like using a vanilla flavored soy creamer)
  • Sweetener, to taste and optional (my creamer is plenty sweet but sometimes I'll add some sugar, maple syrup, apple nectar, agave or stevia - those are some ideas)
  • 1/8 cup- 1/2 cup ice (this all depends on how icy you want your drink or what your blender can handle)
  • Coconut whipped cream, optional (if you want your 'ccino experience to be just like a barista made it for you, give it a generous dollop!)
  • Chocolate Syrup, optional for drizzling in cup or on top
In a mug designed for hot a beverage, add Postum, carefully pour boiling water in the mug and stir. Allow to cool (if short on time, allow to cool in freezer). Add creamer to reach the desired lightness that you prefer. Add sweetener, if using. Pour into blender, add ice, then blend to desired thickness. Pour into a glass or a to-go cold cup if you are bringing your 'ccino along with you. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and top with whipped cream, if you are using them, and the lid if you are using a to-go. Now enjoy!

Out of all the delicious Postum recipes that I've created so far, this is definitely my fave for sure! It really reminds me of summer and is so much like the frozen and icy coffee drinks that I remember, but so great that you don't get an overload of sugar and caffeine just to indulge in it!

CLICK HERE to check out my other Postum blog posts. Also, I would like to take requests! What kinds of recipes would you like to see me make using Postum? Challenge me, I can handle any request!

And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off - stay cool, my Friends!

This blog post was sponsored by Postum.

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