
Friday, May 26, 2017

Awesome, Easy Holiday Weekend Snacks Using Hummus!

Memorial Day Weekend is notoriously known for consuming empty calories where you ate or "picked" a lot but don't feel satisfied the way you would if you ate an actual sit down meal. I have a solution for that common summer holiday problem - the unofficial meal! When you include Sabra hummus in your entertaining, your snacking or munching is probably as healthy and filling as it gets and becomes a meal, unofficially.

I have created two fun recipes using Sabra hummus and they are so incredibly easy, that you might just want to forgo the usual junky options and go for these instead this holiday weekend.

The first recipe is so elegant and ever so simple that your guests will be thoroughly impressed and you won't break a sweat whatsoever. They are classy and dainty little finger foods that won't get your hands messy as you eat them, and they prove to be an excellent appetizer or snack that feels satisfying like a light meal.

The second recipe is a little more hearty, but will leave your party goers pleasantly surprised! They look so beautiful that people won't imagine that they were simply just a couple ingredients, thrown together in a super effortless way. Another substantial addition to your cookout or gathering that will make guests leave feeling better and not worse.

Ok, for the moment you have all been waiting for... the recipes!

Hummus Stuffed Vegetable Bites

  • Mini cucumbers (as many as you'd like to use appropriate for your crowd size)
  • Cherry tomatoes (as many as you'd like to use appropriate for your crowd size)
  • Sabra hummus in Classic flavor
  • Paprika, to sprinkle on top

Slice cucumbers into 1/2 inch "coins" and cut cherry tomatoes in half. With a small melon ball tool, carefully scoop out a little of the cucumbers and tomatoes leaving room for hummus and making a small "bowl" in them; arrange them on a serving tray or plate. Place hummus into a piping bag with a star tip and pipe the hummus into the cucumber and tomatoes. Sprinkle the tops with a little bit of paprika. Refrigerate until ready to serve! They are bite sized so there's no need for tooth picks!

Broiled Olive Tepenade Hummus Stuffed Tomatoes

  • 2 medium tomatoes, sliced in half with middles scooped out
  • 8 tablespoons Sabra hummus in Olive Tapenade flavor
  • Dried parsley, optional 

Place scooped out tomato halves on a baking sheet. Dollop 2 tablespoons of the hummus part (not the olive tapenade part that is in the middle of the container) into each tomato half. Then top each half with the olive tapenade found in the center of the hummus container. Sprinkle with parsley, if using, then broil on high for 10- 15 minutes. Serves 4.

These recipes are guaranteed to please! And if you would like more Sabra recipes, please check out my other Sabra post from earlier this month.

And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off - I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend! On Memorial Day, and always, I am grateful to the service women and men of America who so bravely and selflessly gave their lives for our safety and freedom.

This blog post was sponsored by Sabra.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, you have pointed out some excellent points, I as well believe this is a very superb website. healthy finger foods for christmas party
