
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Good Things Come In Threes

Whenever I get the opportunity to try something that's vegan and amazing, I just have to share the experience with my wonderful readers! In this post I am talking about some new vegan products that I have tried recently from three different companies, and giving you the scoop on which ones are my faves.

Hippie Butter 

I've blogged about Hippie Butter before. I said I liked the butts artwork on the packaging and really liked their pure hemp protein product. They awesomely sent me some more goodies to try, I tried, and I like. They sent me their Toasted Hemp Seeds which are a delightful and healthy snack and they also sent me Hemp Flour and Hemp Seed Bath Soap. Out of everything Hippie Butter that I have tried, the Dirty Vegan favorite is the soap! Best soap I've used in a long time. Hemp is seriously a super food/ product. Its so nutritious and even does wonders for your skin. The smell of this soap is pretty and fragrant and the hemp seed oil moisturizes your skin with its nourishing properties. I like all Hippie Butter's food items almost equally, if I had to choose only one as my favorite, I would say the Toasted Hemp Seeds would be it. I love convenient, portable, nutrition and Hippie Butter's Toasted Hemp Seed Snacks do the trick - no butts about it, enough said.

Wicked Natural 

The folks at Wicked Natural say that their products are, "Wicked Good!". I say that they are living up to their slogan, at least with what I've tried of theirs. They gave me a jar of their Eggplant Caponata (after confirming for me it was vegan - I thought that was sweet, I didn't even have to ask), and I have been using it in everything! First off, the flavor is complex. You've got sweet, you've got savory, you've got cocoa, eggplant, and olives in there - its wicked crazy - and I like it! So far, I've used it in salad as a salad dressing (a few spoonfuls mixed with olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper), added into my pasta primavera, and as veggie burger topping. A little has gone a long way and the jar made it through all of those creations. It appears some of their other products are vegan-friendly like their Cocktail Sauce, Ketchup w/ Agave, and maybe their Farmer's Market Salsa, but you would have to confirm before purchase just to be safe. I give the Caponata a big Yum!


I've heard about ProBar and was hoping someone would approach me with some of their delicious bars to try - my prayers were answered! You know me, I love vegan and I love a company who is brave enough to call their products 100% vegan (we all know how many products are vegan-friendly, but rarely people shout from the rooftops that they are - maybe more companies should start) - well with ProBar there is no guessing. There are vegan-friendly bars that range from Koka Moka to Honey Graham (I know, right!? They make a mock-honey bar). The ones that I have tried are the Rocky Road (super yummy!), S'Mores (like being at a campsite, wherever you happen to eat this), Nutty Marshmallow (they did a good job with this one!), Superfood Slam (healthy tasting, but I like it), Koka Moka (really amazing - I shared this outside with some chipmunks and they loved it too!), and Maple Pecan (sweet, savory, reminds me of the best autumn memories, even in a heatwave). The Dirty Vegan faves are Maple Pecan (I want to eat one everyday for the rest of my life) and Koka Moka! Ones I want to try very soon are Cherry Pretzel and Kettle Corn. Bravo ProBar, you nailed it. Also, these are whole nutrition meal bars and have a lot of good stuff that your body needs to sustain energy, I don't want to forget about saying that, its important.
Thank you Hippie Butter, Wicked Natural, and ProBar for the yummy deliciousness to try. I will be your taste tester anytime...wink, wink! And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off. I hope you have a nutty day that is filled with savory!

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