
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Delicious Review, Treat for YOU too!

Okay, I am going to admit it. I just pigged out on snacks. However, I am not in a snack food coma, oh no not at all. I am actually feeling a lasting burst of energy that I had for about an hour now. What did I eat, you ask? Chocolate? Something with caffeine in it, perhaps? Nope. I ate kale. You heard me, kale. You know, that green stuff that has tons of vitamins and nutritional goodness in it. And the energy is a gentle, non-jittery burst, just like when I juice fruits and vegetables. The cool thing about all of this is that I ate this kale just like anyone would eat chips or cheesy-doodles. Mentally, I feel like I should feel guilty after my extreme kale-fest, but my body is telling me no way Mama, you ate well. If you are wondering what this magical kale snack is, feast your eyes...

Kale chips, it is! Kale Krunch from Alive & Radiant/ Kaia Foods! Let me first say, kale is a super food. Kale is high in iron, vitamin K, and low in calories. It is also loaded with antioxidants and is a great source of calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It is a great detox food (yeah we all know swimsuit season is fast approaching, please don't remind me that my detox diet should be starting soon)! With all that being said, Alive & Radiant Foods does kale like no other - did you hear me - NO OTHER. I'm salivating at the very thought of these, ever since the first taste. Kale Krunch makes it easy to detox and live healthy; when you have snacks like these to eat, you are good to go!

I tried the Quite Cheezy flavor first (pictured above), and fell in love. These kale chips have red bell peppers, organic cashews, nutritional yeast, and chia seeds, adding to the super food qualities. What a super snack! With significant vitamin percentages, protein, and fiber, for a cheezy snack, you just can't go wrong with these. But above all else, these taste downright DIRTY delicious! I felt like I was doing something wrong as I was inhaling these kale chips... then the energy boost kicked in and I seriously felt like my body was absorbing every single calorie of these delightful chips for the sake of good. These just feel good for my body. Period.

Here is a peek into the Spicy Superfood flavor bag. These are mighty spicy, but in a wonderful way. I've eaten spicy before, and this Kale Krunch had my nose running, but my mouth was not at all on fire. These are yummy-licious but also pack a nutritional punch with ingredients like cashews, chia seeds, nutritional yeast, spirulina, turmeric, maca root, and cayenne. All of which, are fabulous health foods. I got a nifty boost of energy from these especially, and just had a great time munching on them. 

Both flavors are amazing, but if I had to choose, I would pick Quite Cheezy as my fave. Let's hope I never have to choose and they make both flavors forever and ever. For the sake of honest journalism, I must report the only drawback to these snacks. I had lots of kale in my teeth and all over! Did I mind? Not a chance! For these delicious green goodies, I would cover my body in kale.

You are probably thinking, where do I get my hands on these scrumptious little morsels? Well, you can go to Kaia's Alive & Radiant Store ( AND I have one better for you. Since you know you are going to buy these anyway, I have a real treat for my awesome readers! Use the coupon code "thedirtyvegan" and you will receive 10% off of your next purchase of $20 or more. If you are anything like me, you'll need this code because you will likely make these kale chips a part of your daily routine. After one bite, you will understand.

If they had these when I was growing up, I would have never even touched a potato chip or cheese curl! And for now, the Dirty vegan is signing off. I hope you have a cheezy, kale-filled day! 

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