
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Neopolitan Fountain Float & Almond Joyful Postum Cocktail Recipes!

This is the second part of yesterday's post where I introduced Postum Cocoa Blend. Today, we are going to look at two super fun recipes using this awesome new cocoa stuff, one being a cool summer cocktail.

I was initially planning on posting two alcoholic drink recipes, but since not everyone drinks alcohol and a portion of my readers are under the age of 21, I wanted the post to be fair and have one boozy drink and one non-alcoholic kind. Of course the cocktail can be made non-alcoholic by using another type of liquid, like coconut milk or maybe even coconut water instead. These are both really fun drinks and seriously so yummy! Get creative and don't forget to keep sharing pictures of your Postum creations with us on social media!

Neopolitan Fountain Float
makes 1 drink

What you'll need:

-2 teaspoons Postum Cocoa Blend
-6 ounces boiling water
-3 scoops vanilla ice cream
-3 ripe strawberries, sliced

What you'll need to do:

Prepare Postum by mixing it with boiling water and set aside to cool. Once cooled, fill a tall glass with ice cream scoops, strawberries, then fill with prepared Postum. Top with whipped cream and an additional strawberry for garnish, if desired. Enjoy!

Every Postum recipe I make I really do say that it is my favorite one, but this has got to be my favorite one! HA HA! They are all so good, but I drank this down the fastest of them all! Just so absolutely tasty! The flavors melded so well together and it really does taste like neopolitan ice cream!

Almond Joyful Postum Cocktail
makes 1 drink
(*21+ to make and enjoy this one!*)

What you'll need:

-1 teaspoon Postum Cocoa Blend
-4 ounces boiling water
-1 ounce coconut flavored rum
-.5 ounce almond flavored liquer
-splash of vanilla coffee creamer

What you'll need to do:

Prepare Postum by mixing it with boiling water and set aside to cool. Fill a cocktail shaker about 2/3 up with ice and add rum and liquer to the shaker. Then add cooled prepared Postum and coffee creamer (a splash or to taste) to the shaker (you can even add the creamer in afterwards and just float it in the glass, like I did in the photo - which I think looks more beautiful!); shake it up! Then fill a tall glass with ice and pour shaker contents into it. This drink can be topped with whipped cream, if desired.

Please, as always, drink responsibly! This one was really interesting to make and I loved the way it turned out! It tastes just like drinking one of those classic candies that has coconut, almond, and coated in chocolate - and the drink is just as decadent as I remember the confection being!

I hope you enjoyed this one! I always have a good time creating and I truly love what I do, but this one was big fun for sure! Please stay tuned for more recipes using Postum; the next one is totally unexpected and will be awesome, so get excited for it!

And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off - hope your day is soda fountain and candy shop sweet!

This blog post was sponsored by Postum.