
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hello, From BabyVille!

Hello Everyone! I wanted to check in and let you all know that mom, baby, (and dad too) are all well! I am recovering from a c-section. Baby was in a breech position, one that would have made it potentially dangerous for her if we tried to deliver vaginally, therefore we did a planned cesarean and all went well! I didn't even need any pain meds...well, I refused them, I probably could have used them, but as they say, "Mind over Matter".

I am planning my upcoming blog posts for later this week so keep an eye out for them. Right now we are enjoying our little family, nurturing baby, and I am recovering. We are over-the-moon happy and in love with our wonderful baby!

The baby is healthy, happy, and gorgeous! She is thriving on my vegan breast-milk, and I that is working out really well for us. I am eating like a maniac, I actually have a huge appetite even more so than when I was pregnant. I am still taking my vegan prenatal vitamins and I am also drinking Mother's Milk tea, which really has the milk pouring out like mad. Sorry for the details, but if it helps other mothers out there who are breastfeeding, I'm glad I shared. This tea is organic, vegan-friendly, herbal, caffeine-free, kosher, and safe for mom and baby.

Okay Folks, I'm going to get back to my little angel now. Teaser: the next blog post will be my special trick on how to get rid of postpartum bloat. Works like a charm! And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off. Lots of love and sweet baby smiles to you!


  1. Congratulations on having a baby girl! Glad to hear that you are all doing well. Is she your first baby? What is her name?

    And no worries about getting into a little detail, I'm glad you shared this because as a young vegetarian who would like to have kids in the future, I've wondered if there are any special vegan vitamins to take during a pregnancy. Thank you for the information, and can't wait to read your next blog post! Take care.

  2. Congratulations!!!!!!! :)
    I'm happy to hear you're all doing well and breast feeding is going well too.

    P.S. if you have an extra supply of milk you might look into donating your extra milk to a milk bank. I did with my first baby and it was really rewarding to be able to share such a valuable liquid with babies in need.
