
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cramazing Meal Idea

We've all had those days...short on time, short on food, even shorter on ideas, which really sucks. So you basically have to make the best of what you have. When I have a refrigerator and pantry that's crazy stocked, you guys get three course meal recipes that include things like Tofu Scallops. On other days, you get ideas like this meal you see now - which is me making the best with what I have today.

We needed dinner, and we needed it fast! I look in the refrigerator....almond milk, purple stuff, Soyrizo! I look in the freezer and I have Gardein's Seven Grain Crispy Tenders and a bag of frozen green beans. So I had to get started! I basically cooked the green beans in a saute pan with olive oil, after a few moments I added the Soyrizo, and then the Gardein, added a splash of terriyaki sauce, and a few seasonings, and Cramazing was born! A dish that is crazy...but ended up tasting amazing. I threw this Cramazing over some leftover brown rice that was also in my fridge, and we were good to go!

I hope this gives you inspiration for when you have one of those dinners of desperation. You may even want to try this Cramazing dish for yourself! And for now, the Dirty Vegan is signing off. Tootles!

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