
Friday, September 16, 2011

VeganMofo Starts October 1st!

The Dirty Vegan will be participating in VeganMofo. This is a blogging event that vegan bloggers partake in, in which we vow to blog about only vegan food for the entire month. That means, I will be getting all my non-food vegan talk out of my system the rest of this month, and only blogging about food for all of October. My focus will be on Comfort Food, which is not a stretch from the recipes I do on here all the time. However, I'm going to get extra Dirty with it, think Vegan Paula Dean! These are going to be the type of recipes that will carry you into the transition from summer to fall. These recipes will be perfect for and complimentary to cool autumn weather. Thirty days of awesome and comforting vegan recipes that are perfect for fall; who is as excited as I am??!!

In November I will resume my combination of recipes, food talk, animal talk, product reviews, and also all things non-food vegan! Until then...get ready to eat like a Dirty Vegan baby!

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