
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meatout 2011 on March 20th! And in Honor of This, Crispy Rice Marshmallow Treats!

I was honored to be asked to participate in the Meatout 2011 blogging event. On this day, March 20th, 2011, so many people from all over the world are campaigning, handing out samples of vegan food, handing out brochures, spreading the word, and blogging about veganism. We also have kind hearts who are pledging to go veg!

Don't worry, we will get to these treats in just a minute!

I understand that today I am going to have some first-time readers and visitors. Welcome! The link below has some great past Dirty Vegan posts that introduce myself and my mission, introduce veganism, and some easy tips on how to transition.

Past Blog Posts Labeled: Intro

This is also a post dear to my heart - Believe

Also, please feel free to search this blog with the search function, and browse the different labels, archives, and past posts/ yummy recipes. I also invite new readers to interact with me on Facebook and Twitter using the widgets on the right-hand side. 

This is an exciting time in your life and you will see your whole world (and your health) change for the better, once you adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Whether it is just for the day, committing to participate in Meatout 2011, a transition phase where you include more veggie meals into your lifestyle, or a permanent decision, you are doing the hugest kindness for animals, the environment, and for yourself. Going vegetarian saves approximately 100 animals live's per year! If you are feeling like this is a lot of information to take in, no worries. The recipes and tips on my blog are easy and laid back. So please subscribe to this blog and you will see tons of simple vegan recipes with ingredients that can be so easily found in most supermarkets (and its not health-food believe me!). There will also be more giveaways, more information, and more fun stuff to come -please see veganism as a place free of stress. And if you think about it, by no longer ingesting the pain, suffering, fear, and death of animals, you are ridding your body and mind of that negativity. For now, lets get Dirty!

So in honor of this wonderful Meatout 2011 event, I wanted to provide a yummy vegan alternative to a classic treat. And it is EASY!!! That's how I like it, quick, easy, and Dirty!

Crispy Rice Marshmallow Treats

What you will need:

3 tbsp vegan buttery spread (I used Smart Balance Light - it is vegan and easily attainable, in almost every grocery store)
10 oz bag of vegan marshmallows (I used Dandies - in my opinion the best vegan marshmallow out there right now and it doesn't need refrigeration - these taste as good as what I remember them to taste like and even better!)
5 or 6 cups puffed rice cereal (I say 5 or 6 because you can make them a bit less sweet and lighter tasting by adding more cereal - I wouldn't use more than 6 cups however, because you don't want them to be too dry)
Fun add-ins: chocolate chips, coconut flakes, peanut butter chips (optional)

What to do:

Melt the buttery spread in a large saucepan on medium heat. Then add the vegan marshmallows and melt, stirring frequently. When the mixture is very melty and gooey, remove from heat and add in the cereal. Form mixture into a greased pan using a buttered spoon. Let cool; once cool you can cut them into squares and serve. Enjoy!

The treats cooling in the pan

YUM! So good! Enjoy and thanks for visiting! Bookmark or follow this blog for more Dirty!


  1. Thank you for joining in for this virtual Meatout event. Love your fun recipe! And I especially love your warm, kind, encouraging words. Thanks for all you do with your informative and enjoyable blog! Cheers for the animals! ~ Cindi

  2. Thank you, Cindi. That means a lot to me. Thanks for having this awesome event; I am honored to be part of it. Also, thanks for all you guys are doing as well. Cheers! :0)

  3. This is one of my favorite foods ever, and usually I buy the vegan brands but haven't yet attempted my own. Now, I am inspired! Many thanks & happy Meatout!

  4. I am so happy to hear that, Midge! Happy Meatout to you also :0)

  5. Would you believe I've forgotten how yummy these are since I long ago had given up on finding a viable vegan alternative? Can't wait to try these out--thanks so much for sharing!
