
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Blissful Dessert and a GIVEAWAY!

There are so many ways to describe this vegan dessert, but the name says it best...bliss, Coconut Bliss that is! Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss offers a variety of flavors, some of which include: Cherry Amaretto, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla Island, Naked Coconut (ooooh sounds Dirty), and lots of other great flavors (you can get it in pint size or Bliss Bars!). This delightful dessert can be found at Whole Foods and health food stores.

I really am totally hooked on their vegan frozen desserts! Cool, smooth, creamy...oh so enchanting! I happen to love all Coconut Bliss flavors that I have tried, but my favorite is Dark Chocolate. I love the creaminess of the coconut while having the richness of the dark chocolate; its great!

I don't have to be the only one having all the fun here. Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss were cool enough to donate a giveaway prize for one of my lucky readers! Are you excited? I am!

THE PRIZE: One of my lucky readers will receive a Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss prize pack, which includes: 2 FREE pints of Coconut Bliss in any flavor, a groovy Coconut Bliss sticker, tucked inside a colorful Coconut Bliss comic.

You can enter the giveaway any of these 3 ways:

You can enter here the Blog-way: by being a
subscriber AND leaving a comment below telling me why you think you should win!

You can enter the Twitter-way: Follow @theDirtyVegan AND mention/ RT about the contest!

You can enter the Facebook-way: "Like" The Dirty Vegan fan-page AND leave a comment on my wall telling me why you think you should win!

BONUS ENTRIES: each "way" you enter, gives you that amount of contest entries per day. Maximum amount of entries is 3 per day, via the Blog-way, Twitter-way, and Facebook-way.

DEADLINE TO ENTER: Entries must be received by Monday, March 14th at 9:00 PM EST.

*by entering you are agreeing that we can announce your name if you win - Good luck!

Luna & Larry, a bunch of coconuts. I love it!


  1. Um..I should win because I LOVE this stuff! Hehe :-)

  2. I should win because everthing that you made is soooooooo good.

  3. I follow by google friend connect.
    I think I should win because it looks totally delicious! I've never tried it before, but I always consider it.

  4. I should win because I am a poor starving college student and that amazing ice cream is absurdly expensive lol

  5. I am currently at work as a male nurse doing a night shift saving people's life. I would love to bring some icecream to work in order to help me relax as I am being yelled at by patients, working with God complexed out doctors, and the saving life thing.! Love the Blog!

  6. ohhhhhh coconut ice cream how i love thee. its my absolute new obsession/vice. would love to be able to try this brand because i dont have a whole foods near me and all the heath food stores around here are less that stellar to say the least.. plus, the coconut ice cream that is offered around here is HELLA expensive... when you're a stay at home mom, fancy schmancy ice cream (no matter how delish) always comes waaaaayyyy after everything else on the grocery list!
    p.s. absolutely ADODRE your blog! (and not just schmoozing to win!) seriously, its the most informative, real, interesting blog that i've come across in a long ass time! always SO excited to see a new post! keep 'em coming!

  7. Yum! Thanks for the giveaway! I subscribed to your blog. I have not tried this before but I would love to. Having another dairy-free option is great!

  8. I tweeted!!/singerinkitchen/status/45852634170654720

  9. I should win because...well...we should all win! :) Who doesn't deserve a little bliss?! :)

  10. i would love to win because March marks my three year vegan-iversary, and I haven't been able to afford to try this yet... and they all sound sooooo incredibly good! :)

  11. I should win because 'you had me at coconut.'
    I LOVE coconut!!! And I've never tried this stuff, so now I'm desperately craving it.

  12. I posted about your contest on my Facebook page.

  13. This is the stuff I take to people's houses for convince them that they don't need milk in their ice cream! That's why I should win! I'm spreading the Coconut Bliss love!
