
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Twilight Inspired Bloody Dessert Topping

Berry Buttery Bloody Dessert Topping (say that 3 times fast!)

I used this topping to drizzle over my red velvet cupcakes!

"But I’ll never see anyone else, Bella. I only see you. Even when I close my eyes and try to see something else. Ask Quil or Embry. It drives them all crazy". -Jacob Black

"Most people fall in and out of love many times in their lives. It was just that I’d seen Sam with Emily, and I couldn't imagine him with someone else. The way he looked at her. Well, it reminded me of a look I’d seen sometimes in Edward’s eyes, when he was looking at me". -Bella Swan

"And the sound of your heart. It’s the most significant sound in my world". -Edward Cullen

Swoon!!! Who doesn't love the Twilight books and films? Love, teen-angst, vampires, action...and blood!
All this action inspired me to come up with a dessert topping that you can bite into. However, it won't bite you back! 

To make this 'Berry Buttery Bloody Dessert Topping', you will need:

1 cup frozen mixed berries, thawed some
1/2 cup of vegan buttery spread (I used Earth Balance)
1 cup powdered sugar

Cream the buttery spread. Puree the thawed berries and add to buttery spread. Mix together then mix in the powdered sugar. Use this to drizzle on top of vegan cakes, vegan cupcakes, vegan ice cream, vegan yogurt, vegan cheesecake, or you can also use as a filling. Enjoy! Stay Dirty! And consensual biting only! ;)

Artistic expression! Bite Me!

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