
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Easy 3 Course Meal

This is an easy 3 course meal that can be made in advance or any way that works best for you. I marinated the tofu "scallops" first, then made the salad dressing and put it in a container, made the truffles and refrigerated them, then prepared the tofu and Brussels sprouts when it was time to prepare and eat the meal. Read on to see the complete meal, recipes, and how you too can make a hearty, delicious, gourmet-style, easy 3 course meal!

Tofu "Scallops" and Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts over a bed of brown rice

Coconut Coffee House Truffles

1st Course - Salad:

Prepare salad greens in bowls. Slice tomato and/ or other vegetables that you would like on your salad. If you have a favorite salad dressing, you can skip this step. If you would like to try mine, use this recipe:

Sweet Peanut Onion Dressing

-1/2 cup canola or olive oil
-1/4 cup peanut butter
-2 tbsp Braggs liquid aminos or soy sauce
-1.5 tbsp onion powder
-1 tsp garlic powder
-3 tbsp maple syrup
-sea salt and pepper to taste 

Blend all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Store in refrigerator in an airtight container until use.

2nd Course - Tofu "Scallops", Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts, and Brown Rice:

Prepare brown rice according to  package instructions. Minute kind works best for this meal plan. You can serve the "scallops" with their sauce, and Brussels Sprouts over the brown rice, if you wish.

Tofu "Scallops"

-1 container of tofu
-2 tbsp oil

-1 sheet of nori, crumbled up
-1 veggie bouillon cube (I used Edward & Sons brand)
-1 cup warm water
-1 tbsp powdered dulse
-2 tbsp sweet miso paste
-1 tbsp Dijon mustard 
-sea salt and pepper to taste

Sauce (what will be added to marinade later to make a sauce)
-3 tbsp vegan buttery spread (I used Earth Balance brand)
-3 tbsp wheat flour
-3 tbsp white wine

Cut block of tofu in half vertically. Then cut out tiny circles with these two thinner "sheets" of tofu to make "scallops" (you can use a small round cookie cutter, a tea ball, or carefully create circles with a butter knife). Place tofu circles in a container. Combine marinade ingredients together and then pour into the container of tofu circles. Let marinade in refrigerator for at least 1 hour (the more time, the better to flavor the tofu).

When you are ready to prepare the "scallops", heat oil over medium heat in skillet. Remove just tofu from marinade and cook in skillet until brown on each side (about 5 minutes or more on each side). While those are browning, heat the buttery spread, flour and wine in a saucepan to make a rue. Then add marinade and simmer on low heat, stirring frequently, until its a thickened sauce. 

Pour sauce over tofu "scallops" to serve.

*Note: The nori and dulse add a great "sea flavor" to the tofu "scallops". Dulse is also a great source of iodine. You can find nori, dulse, and miso paste in Whole Foods.*

Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts

-1 lb fresh Brussels sprouts
-2 tbsp garlic, minced
-3 tbsp olive oil
-sea salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut off stems of Brussels sprouts then half them. Place in casserole dish. Toss with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Roast in oven for 30 minutes or until browned, tender, and crisp, to your liking. Stir once halfway thru.

3rd Course - Coconut Coffee House Truffles:

These can be made in advance of the meal and refrigerated until serving.

Coconut Coffee House Truffles

-1/3 cup SoDelicious Coconut Hazelnut Coffee Creamer
-2.5 tbsp vegan coffee liquor
-12 oz vegan semisweet chocolate chips

To roll truffles in
-coconut shavings, chopped or grated (I used Edward & Sons brand)
-cocoa powder
-mix a little of each for another flavor option (like you see in my picture)

In a saucepan on low heat, bring creamer and liquor to a simmer. Then remove from heat and melt in the chocolate chips. Transfer to a shallow bowl and let the truffle mixture set (I had to pop it in the refrigerator for a while to get the consistency I wanted). 

Once cool, set, and at a workable consistency, form into truffle balls, and place on wax paper. Let refrigerate in the ball form for a few minutes before finishing. Then shape and smooth out lines. Roll each truffle into either cocoa, coconut, or a mixture of the two. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy making and eating these recipes! This is an easy way to enjoy a very gourmet 3 course meal!


  1. WOW! I want everything on this page! It all looks SO delicious! I hope you saved me some! ;)

    1. Do you want to know the secret recipe....

      Ill give you a hint its a fat cum shot

  2. AH THIS ALL looks FAB!! i LOVE LOVE the brussel sprouts- those are my fav :D

  3. Everything on this page looks incredible, and we were so happy to share these delectable recipes with our Twitter friends and Facebook fans. Of course, we especially like your Coconut Coffee House Truffles! Thank you for all you do to make eating vegan so delicious!

  4. Thank you so much, Gail! You guys are awesome and make my job so much easier by making awesome products!!! HUGE Love! :)
